❖ Recognition granted by “Consejo de la Magistratura del Poder Judicial” for the commitment and participation in their activities with volunteers.
❖ Recognition from “Dirección del Departamento de la Mujer de Acción de Paz” for outstanding work in favor of others and for its dedication to promote universal values.
❖ Recognition from Scout Argentina, for work in the youth area.
❖ Messenger of Peace. Recognition granted by Peace action, Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires.
❖ Ambassador for Peace. Recognition granted by UPF ECOSOC UN for its commitment to environmental protection, sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life.
❖ Women in Solidarity Award. AVON Foundation. Special mention for innovative idea in the promotion of decent work.
❖ Ambassador for Peace. Recognition granted by Universal Peace Federation, UN ECOSOC category, in honor of merit and trajectory.
❖ Recognition by WFWP and UPF Argentina for the commitment to environmental protection and sustainable human development, carrying out activities aimed at the preservation of natural resources.
❖ First Prize: Environment and Ecology, awarded by UPF ECOSOC UN, Marina Mercante University and Rotary Club Argentina for “Building Environmental Citizenship”
❖ Special mention given by the Suzuki Foundation (Very Special Arts & Disability U.S.) for “Sembrando Vida” resocialization of patients, organic garden work and natural construction at Borda Hospital.
❖ First Prize: Volunteering and Common Good, awarded by UPF ECOSOC UN, Marina Mercante University and Rotary Club Argentina for Service for Peace.
❖ Designer selected by MERCOCIUDADES and the EUROPEAN UNION to integrate the “Innovation and Social Cohesion Project”.
❖ Prize “Impulse to transform” the entrepreneurial capacity for sustainability, awarded by Ashoka Changemakers and Wall Mart for the work projected with the community “Villa San Luis, natural town”.
❖ Prize: “Andrea Vega” Women highlighted of Buenos Aires city, awarded by the Federation of Commerce and Industry of the City of Buenos Aires for the trajectory and contribution to gender equality.
❖ “Buenos Aires Emprende” award, granted by the Sub-Secretary of Economic Development of the City of Buenos Aires for the Project: Educational recreational tourism under the principles of Fair Trade. Evaluated as highly competitive, innovative proposal in product, process, technology and business model, scalable, economically and financially viable and potentially replicable.