Hospital Borda

At “Hospital Borda”, the largest and most notable psychiatric hospital in Argentina, we work together with the hospital´s staff and the patients. We help and teach them how to recycle and we mainly create eco bricks with plastic bottles that we use for constructions. In addition, we maintain and supervise the theatre´s equipment. The first Sunday of the month, the hospital invites the public to enjoy the artistic productions (songs, stand up, shows, paintings, etc) that the patients have been working during the previous weeks.

With these activities we help patients to socialize and interact with others, being this, one of the main aspects of their treatment.

“Guardianes del Ambiente, together with the foreign volunteers, go every week and spend time with the patients. The activities they do is just a tool to get closer. Even reading a book or having tea together makes the difference.

Sharing an activity is a desirable goal, but reading a book or having a tea together already makes a difference.

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